
Keys To The P's

The Path to Perspective, Passion, Peace, Prosperity and More…



It’s amazing that we pride ourselves in being able to multi-task. Multi-tasking may have been a badge of honor 20+ years ago, but in the “age of distraction” it’s becoming harder to give your 100% focus to what you are doing. Social networking, constant news updates, text messages and more make it easier than ever to be distracted to a fault.

Being fully engaged in what your are doing can not only lower your chances of making mistakes, but it can also help reduce stress by giving your brain and body less to contend with at one time.

I’m looking to do a better job of being focused and eliminating distractions. This list was great for me and I invite you to join me in the goal of removing mental clutter and more productive.

Want To Crush A Goal Or Be More Productive In The New Year? Get A Buddy On Board!

There are big things coming for you in 2018 and here’s a way to bring them your way!!!

A new year, a new you right?? Well, it is possible, but only if we change some things this year and change them now. People often identify their wishes and desires for better habits or a better result (i.e. more money, better health, more discipline in some area, etc.), but what makes this year different than last year?

I have found for me that getting an accountability partner can make a huge difference in keeping me accountable for a goal. We often think of accountability partners in the physical sense, like a gym partner, but in the 21st century you can take your accountability virtual.

Let’s think of a simple goal such as writing more in your journal (thanks Dana and Tonya :-D), daily visualization, meditation or drinking 64 oz of water. These are simple “daily goals” that are easy to fall out of the habit of doing. It’s early enough in the year to get a “like minded” buddy on board to hold each other accountable to get your consistency going!

Another approach is a “habit tracking” app. I personally use, the Strides app for iPhone and it allows you to identify habits that you want to track with daily reminders of when your task should be completed for the day. This has been an incredible help with keeping my daily goals “front and center”, so that they never are out of sight then out of mind. There are many other “goal/habit tracking” apps available for your phone and if you’re serious about making the life change, I would suggest adding the app and reminders to your daily regimen.

Whether it’s a virtual partner like an app or a real friend that you check in with, there is no way you should leave these goals to your memory. We’re all creatures of habit and what’s easy to do, is also easy not to do. Make the shift, get a buddy on board and do your part to create the new habits that give you the results you’re looking for this year and beyond!!

Make it a great 2018!! VA


What Do Billionaires And Financial Experts Say About BitCoin? The Time Is Now!! (Shared)

I was fortunate enough to open my BitCoin Wallet in December of 2016 and it could possibly turn into the single best financial decision of my life.

BitCoin is the leading crypto-currency in the world, but don’t let big words and things that sound “super technical” keep you away from learning about the fast growing “asset” in the world today! Valued at $1 in 2011 and now $4,500 at the time of this blog, one BitCoin is projected to potentially grow beyond $1,000,000 in value.

Hear what billionaires and financial experts like Bill Gates and Richard Branson are saying about the best kept financial secret, BitCoin.

Feel free to inbox me on Facebook or email me at if you have any questions. I’m no expert, but we can learn and grow our wealth in BitCoin together!!

“Every Skill You Acquire Doubles Your Odds of Success…” (Shared)

Tom Bilyeu has taken Qwest to a $1bil company and now he’s one of the web leaders for personal development. Watch this inspiring video as he gives the keys necessary to rise to the occasion as you decide “Who Are You Prepared to Become?”

“Optimism Is A Muscle That Gets Stronger With Use” (Shared)

Someone, right now, needs this powerful word on OPTIMISM from Good Morning America anchor and breast cancer survivor Robin Roberts.

Enjoy the video and share it with someone going through “life” right now.


Four Ways To Get The Most Out of Journaling!!

Today’s society is more distracted, busy and unsettled than ever. Journaling is a simple practice that anyone can begin in order to experience peace, progress and more!

According to Dr. Shad Helmstetter’s book “What To Say When You Talk To Yourself” (available at 77% of our thoughts are negative. Journaling is a great way for us to get centered and swing back to a positive way of thinking.

Many people are clueless when they begin journaling as to the best way to get started.

These four techniques can help you start a successful path in your journaling:

1) The Recap Journal Entry
2) The “Good Feeling Story” Journal Entry
3) The “Better Feeling Story” Journal Entry
4) The Gratitude Journal Entry

Watch the video to get a great understanding of which technique you would like to start with or maybe try them all out! There’s no wrong way to do it and this is an opportunity for you to start something that can truly be life changing!

If you’re looking for a great journal that can last a full year, here is the journal that I use!!

Have fun and happy journaling!!


Developing A “Growth Mindset” ~ A Must-Watch Video For All Parents (Shared)

Carol Dweck is the author of “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” which discusses the two different mindsets that people live by: a “fixed mindset” and a “growth mindset.”

Watch this video to understand more about the power of developing a growth mindset and how words can have a huge effect on how children can bounce back from not succeeding on the first try.

Are You A Fan of The Secret or Law of Attraction? Here Are 3 Quotes to Help With LOA!!

Many people were introduced to the Law of Attraction through the book/DVD “The Secret.” This video shares 3 simple quotes that can help you take your application of the Law of Attraction to a new level!!

Enjoy the video and here are the quotes:

1) “You don’t get what you want, you get what you picture.” – Holton Buggs
2) “Signs don’t proceed, they follow.” – Neville Goddard
3) “Man becomes what he thinks about.” – Earl Nightingale

Here are some great “Law of Attraction” books that I personally have in my Audible library:

1) Wishes Fulfilled – Dr. Wayne Dyer ►
2) The Secret of the Ages – Robert Collier ►
3) Feeling Is The Secret – Neville Goddard ►
4) The Magic of Believing – Claude Bristol ►
5) Miracle Power of Infinite Riches – Dr. Joseph Murphy ►
6) The Master Key System – Charles F. Haanel ►
7) Working With The Law – Raymond Holliwell ►
8) Imagination Creates Reality – Neville Goddard ►
9) The Strangest Secret – Earl Nightingale ►
10) E-Squared – Pam Grout ►

Get Your Audible 30 Day Free Trial with 2 Free Book Downloads
Click here


Welcome to the Good Life With VA YouTube Channel!! My First Video!!

Welcome to my all-new YouTube Channel “The Good Life With VA!!”

In this inaugural edition of the channel I am sharing how has been a game changer in my personal growth through listening to non-fiction audio books. Additionally, I’m sharing a few features of the Audible app that can take your learning and rate of reading to the next level!

Welcome to the page, join Audible with a free 30-Day Trial and 2 FREE BOOK DOWNLOADS with this link –> Click here (feel free to share it with friends as well!!)

Here are some great books that I personally have in my Audible library:

1) Earl Nightingale Reads Think and Grow Rich ►
2) The Success Principles – Jack Canfield ►
3) Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker ►
4) Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways To Stop Procrastinating – Brian Tracy ►
5) The 4-Hour Workweek Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join The New Rich: Timothy Ferris ►

1) The 5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins ►
2) Psycho-Cybernetics – Dr. Maxwell Maltz ►
3) Outwitting the Devil – Napoleon Hill ►
4) How To Stop Worrying and Start Living – Dale Carnegie ►
5) The Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell ►

1) Wishes Fulfilled – Dr. Wayne Dyer ►
2) The Secret of the Ages – Robert Collier ►
3) Feeling Is The Secret – Neville Goddard ►
4) The Magic of Believing – Claude Bristol ►
5) Miracle Power of Infinite Riches – Dr. Joseph Murphy ►

Enjoy the video and welcome to “The Good Life With VA!!”

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